Esubalew Mesele Tsegaye

President of Amhara Leadership Academy

Message From The President

Dear Customers & Stakeholders,

Above all, I would like to say welcome to the Management Development Training Program of the ANRS Management Institute for 2022/2023. The Amhara National Regional State Management Institute established by Proclamation No.221/2014 having juridical personality of the regional government higher education, training and research institution. Hence, the institution is delivering short term trainings for experts and leaders. Consultancy  services are also given to both governmental and non-governmental organisations. Moreover, researches and long-term academic programs are conducted.

The short term in service trainings are designed and being offered to promote the skills, knowledge, values, positive attitudes of civil servants as well as leaders based on demands of customers and stakeholders. In this regard, adequate infrastructures and institutional frameworks are being organized up to the required standard in facilitating the in service trainings. 

The research is being conducted for internal and external consumptions. Internally, the research outputs have been used in modernizing and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the in service trainings, and it will also continue strengthening the overall operations of the long term trainings. Regarding external consumptions of our research outputs, we have designed systems that simplify the way for transferring our research and technology outputs to the regional sectors and respective localities.

Amhara Management Institute is working on academic programs to add values for the efficiency and effectiveness of the short term  trainings. So far, we have launched four second degree programs in the areas of public Policy and Leadership, Political Economy & Governance, Peace and Development Studies, and Project Management and Leadership. Two PhD Programs on the areas of Policy and Leadership, and Political Economy are also being efficiently and effectively offered; and one more PhD program on the area of Peace and Security Study is also to be launched as per the interst of the regional government.

Amhara Management Institute is the would  be Amhara State University as far as the regional government  will decide on. If so, it will enhance the region’s human capital development. To sum up, we can kindly promise for our customers and stakeholders to give quality services unconditionally.

                  Our institution is here because of customers and stakeholders!